DR 5 Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Mastery of Spellcasting Can cast 1 of each spell from any spellcaster in your starting warband with cost less than its own; if multiple spellcasters have the same spell, it can cast that spell once per caster. Does not apply to Psionics.
Quick Cast 
Cast 1 spell as a swift action
Silver Fire 30 Replaces attacks: line 12; 30 damage
Spell Focus 2 Whenever this creature casts a spell, the DC is +2 over printed number.
Spell Penetration This creature may roll twice to overcome Spell Resistance.
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
Unique This creature is one of a kind and has a given name. You cannot have more than one Unique creature with the same given name in your warband.
Scorching Ray (Unlimited) range 6; 15 fire damage
sight; 60 damage; DC 18)
Baleful Teleport 
touch; place target creature on its controllers assembly tile. That creatures controller chooses the space.
CG |
Elminster of Shadowdale |
EPIC 269 Points |
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